Saturday, July 14, 2012


Heeeeeey!! We just got new phones so I'm playing with mine by getting on here!  But its probably only because pinterest isn't working for me.... booooooooo

Monday, January 9, 2012

Countertops Before and After

Here's some pics of the before and after of Kitchen Countertops (Week 1 of 52 weeks of Organization). Some of the before has lots of after cooking stuff... though... it was sitting around for a while before I took the pics... oops! ;)


 ooops! :)

Mailing station... another lovely mess

that was from lunch. haha. there's an espresso machine behind it too.

ewwwww... this has been bothering me for a while

Our dish soap

hand soap

                                                        under the sink loveliness

did I say lovely?



 so this fell off, so I'm going to think of something else. I'm going to try again before I start using old kleenex boxes

I modge podged the color :D blue and pink.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

52 Weeks of Organization-Kitchen Countertops and Sink

Hey!! Long time no see :)

I figured I'd try to write again and what better way to start than posting my mom's and my project of 52 Weeks of Organization! It's basically trying to get your house organized in 52 weeks. That way you don't over stress yourself, or if you do, it's only that one week that is the pain in the butt. This is the first week so if'you'd like to start with me that'd be cool! If not, you can either start later (since this isn't a "New Years" thing) or you can just watch and hopefully be jealous :D. I can only post my stuff since my mom is in a different state but if she sends me pictures I can upload! I know she wouldn't even dream of writing me a blog to post or doing one herself (she's not a fan of reading/writing, does enough of that all day to do for leisure). This is really good for people who have a problem getting rid of things, or keep things they've bought replacements for, or even those that just have multiples of good things they could give to goodwill (aka... me and my mom). Craig will be so happy afterwards if everything has a home and is of working and good quality

This week: Kitchen Countertops and Sink

My goals:
  • shred all the stuff in our "shred box"
  • find or create a hand soap and dish soap dispenser (thinking mason jars)
  • find a home for excess counter stuff (ipod player, our knives, maybe even the coffee syrup)
  • mail organization. it's not functional anymore. It was when we weren't married and I didn't take over paying all the bills, so we opened separate mail. Now, one is more for storage and the other is overflowing... It might be that I create a bill paying schedule to coincide with Craig's payday schedule.
  • Junk Drawer: everyone has one, I'm going to put things in baggies and use a desk organizer I've had for a long time (bought it because it was cute and used it at work) and doesn't have a home. Hopefully I can give it one in there.
  • under sink: it needs a redo... 
  • sink: baby oil it up to shine it
  • stove: figure out how to clean it
My mom's goals:
  • clean all the counters
  • wipe down the kitchen aide with an old toothbrush
  • de-clutter
  • go through the utensil container on the stove and take out what she doesn't need
Next week: kitchen cabinets and cupboards. this one will be easier and more of an asthetic appeal for the whole kitchen (for me) since we just moved and got rid of a ton of stuff that was expired or we no longer needed.

See the pattern, not too hard and easy to follow (until you get to what's really been aching you... for me, the garage, and 2nd bedroom)

Pictures to come in later posts (before and afters)