Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week... ??? Crap

I know, I know, all my millions of adoring fans would love to know how Craig and I are doing! ha! Well... let's see if I can remember (highly doubt it). Or I can just look at my planner to see what I at least PLANNED to do :D

Hmmm...  We went to the dentists.... Craig's teeth are perfect (besides a little dyed, the jerk). Mine were not so perfect. BUT! I didn't have as bad as last time. They didn't grind down their stuff enough on one side, so of course I don't go back in. I've had to chew on the right side of my mouth since February 14th... YAY! haha.

OO OO!!! We finally went on our Honeymoon!! We went to Florida the 16th of February and didn't come back until the 22nd. OF COURSE we made our first stop The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando. The first sight of the place is surreal. It's so exciting. I wish I became a giddy school girl who just saw the hottest guy walk by with his shirt off. AND he winked at me. I seriously wish I could have bottled up that feeling and kept it for the next time we went there. I think what helped the first time is that we hadn't gone to Disney yet. I've been to Disney before, but the last couple of times I went down to Florida we only went to Universal (Islands of Adventure to be exact). It's always been my favorite, and since it has Harry Potter there, it still is. However, the second time we went there on this specific vacation, we had been to Disney the past couple of days and you just can't compare the feeling of happiness from employees that Disney has with any other theme park. And it's all of Disney's parks. Plus I felt like Disney was just able to do so much more. And that got me wishing Disney was the one who produced HP (as long as nothing would have changed in the movie) so that they could have both Diagon Alley and Hogsmead. Oh well, I can't wait to go back.

That was February. March contained a doctors appointment. We finally found "our physician" and scheduled all the necessary tests... for June! geez. I got on antibiotics because while we were down in Florida I picked up some virus the 2nd day and was sick for 2 weeks with no hope for a non-sick future. It didn't kill it. It ended up going away another week after I had to finish up my meds. Craig's birthday was that month! we got together with friends and just chilled.

I started playing soccer too!!! First time I've ever played soccer. Craig's been training me and they needed another girl... just to have an extra body. So I played! eek! We play on the worst team in the worst league. And yet, everyone on the other teams whine, bitch, and complain. geeez.

I also felt the most excruciating pain in my life in the month of March. First was the incessant migraine that just kept on giving. As in, it didn't know how to calm down it's silly little throbbing... it only understood: pain... and lots of it. Then I went to the Urgent Care in Folsom to see what I could get to help my migraine... they gave me Imitrex... in the arm... just under the skin and not in the muscle at all. That was absolutely painful. I don't know what to compare it to. Besides what you would think chopping of your arm without painkillers would feel like. Ironic... the painkillers felt like you were going without painkillers while someone's torturing you. yay! haha. It made me nauseous as it traveled from my arm to my head (yes I felt it all the way up) and the nausea pill they gave me to ease it left the nastiest taste in my mouth for a month. Everything tasted different, for the worse. ick. He gave me vicodin and a different (less fast acting) nausea pill for when I'm at home and I can't get rid of them. He also suggested I got Excedrin Migraine or drink caffeine.... not joking, doctor's orders to drink coke! muahahahaha.. Coke hasn't helped, Excedrin Migraine helps for a while but the migraine comes back before I can take another one. And since I can't take more than 2 in a 24 hour period and you take 2 at a time, it scares the crap out of me to take. So I try sleep, or showers, or Craig rubbing my head before I try that. But I try EVERYTHING else before I try that stinking vicodin and nausea medicine. The first time I was down for 2 days. There was no getting up for work the next day. Forget that I took the meds at 6 the previous night. I couldn't function until 6pm the next day. I'll only take it if I don't have anything to do the next day. Which usually only works out fridays and saturdays, which those are the nights I usually like doing the "fun" things ;).

It's really weird with this migraine thing though. I haven't had any for almost a year, then all the sudden I start getting them. It wasn't hot out yet, the season was still pretty rainy, which it had been for months. I hadn't changed my diet or my schedule. The switch just flipped randomly one day (double vision, tunnel vision, having to drive 30 miles home on a constant construction zone freeway... awful awful feeling. I had to throw up the whole way home, and once I knew I was in or apartment and didn't have to do anything else, I let my vision go and I was blind... yeah, it was bad) I went terrible. Then I started getting them every day. They're at least a headache (just the background constant hum of slight pain. And every once in a while I'll get some migraine intermixed with it (the pounding of nails in my brain, beneath my skull where I can't rub softly to get rid of).

That was March!

April started out with us going to San Jose to watch our Seattle Sounders take on the San Jose Earthquakes. that was... a little scary. We've never been at another team's stadium before. Plus, Seattle is known for it's awesome fans, so it was scary to be in an unfamiliar city, at an unfamiliar field. I even got boo'd! Craig said that it's because I'm a hottie. hehe. Because he didn't get boo'd. Which, I did get checked out before the dude boo'd me, but still. haha.  Then the next week we drove to L.A!!!! Well, Craig mostly drove, I tried, but I couldn't do much of it without Craig getting frustrated with my driving. But then, I drove fast and he drove slow(er than the speed limit!!!) so I was getting frustrated with him. I think driving my car all the way down there he finally realized how annoying that stupid stick shift is. Anyway! We went to L.A. for me to compete in the Mrs California Pageant. I blogged about it on my micro-managed blog. Let's just say it was a completely different experience than the Miss (not in a bad way), and I was the second youngest one. The youngest brought her friend with her everywhere, so I reaaaally didn't have anything in common with anyone. And I was too tired to put out the extra effort. The woman who won, I was super happy about. She was one of my favorite 2. She definitely deserves it! I'm still thinking on if I'm going to do it again next year. Maybe I'll wait until after school.

Which brings me to my next point... Craig and I are going full force with school now! well, me going to school. For nursing. He's been helping me study math when I just don't understand something, or don't understand why MY answer isn't correct. When I first took the test I didn't realize that the time limit meant that anything I didn't answer inside that time limit was wrong. Because when I took the English tests, that was how it was scored. So, I was placed in Math 30. I was super upset, so angry I just needed to punch something. That something was the sofa. Craig was able to talk me down so we could both go to sleep. The next day, I called the assessment testing  office and found out that the unanswered were incorrect. So I went back (today) and got placed into Math 100!!! yay! I only missed 5 questions out of 50. And I'm pretty sure that those 5 I was pretending to know what I was doing or blatantly guessed.

So that's where we are at now. I get to sign up for school May 16th, then once I do that, I get to turn in my 2 weeks notice. I'm secretly hoping they'll have me train a new person up in Washington so I can go visit friends and family. But I would miss Craig terribly. And he would just miss my company.... probably. hopefully by the time I get back he'll be missing me ;). He's better at prioritizing and realizing that there's no point in wondering what someone's doing if you cant actually do anything with them or about the situation. Men... way too logical ;p