Thursday, October 7, 2010

Between Week 4 & 5

This was so funny to me that I had to share it.

Someone asked me if I had the "newlywed glow" at work (we work in different offices) and I replied with:

"no, public happiness makes me uncomfortable"

which is true. I don't like the comments of "awww" and "how cute!" "newlyweds!" or the advice of what to look for in our marriage. I mean there is a lot of great advice out there.. for instance what my grandpa told us at our wedding. Which I can't remember the exact words, but it pretty much meant, marriage is hard work.

What I don't like is the "ohh, just you wait, you guys will hate each other" or the "just wait until he sees some hot young thing, you'll be dumped in a heartbeat" I don't know who they are married to, but it's definitely not to my (ew) husband (ew). Good thing he's not around when this happens because then I'd have to speak up and start a fight. Without him around I can just remind myself that they're miserable, and they just want someone else to bask in their misery too. and then I don't have to get in a fight with them about how they're miserable. Because usually it's in public.

Anyway, there's no "married glow" because we're just.. us. And we like that. Maybe later I'll be frustrated that I didn't soak up all the attention, but by that point, maybe it'd be time for a renewing of vows with our kids or something, then we can be as cutesy as we want.

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