What is your Favorite Accessory?
The only accessories I can wear are my Tiffany's necklace a watch and my rings. Ever since I got my first shot of my first round of Hepatitis B vaccinations, I've been allergic to nickel. So all of my jewelry needs to be "real". Which basically means that it can't be nickel. I'm not sure why it worked out that way, but, IF it helps, I'm also allergic to Vaccines.
Luckily, I'm still able to have vaccines. I just get a bit puffy around my eyes. And by "a bit", I really mean a lot puffy. It's actually pretty scary how puffy and weird looking I get. Even more weird looking than I already am.
So.. I can't wear nickel, I have to really need the vaccine, I also can't touch/be around plaster, I have to buy special makeup (still no eye shadow) and I can't touch leather... woo! All of it basically ruins my dreams. "How" you ask? Well:
Nickel: I will never be able to buy myself "real" jewelry for no reason and I extremely doubt that the Mr. will every buy me "real" jewelry because he already bought the engagement ring I really wanted. Also, I like pageants. People in pageants wear fake jewelry because it has to be seen from the audience (which means its "fancy" looking) and I could never buy "real"ones that big.
Vaccine: I will be working with sick people in one form or another. If it's in the hospital, there's a lot of required/suggested vaccines you need to get. I'm going to get the vaccines no matter what, so I will have to suffer through the embarrassment of the eyes for at least a week after I get them.
Makeup: Not being able to wear eye shadow is killer!!! I think eye shadow finishes a look and I just learned how to effectively use it. But, there's way too many different chemicals that are in the stuff (even the "organic" stuff), so I'm unable to wear it without looking like Quasimodo. It's almost the saddest part of the allergies... but it's not. It's only the third saddest out of the five.
Plaster: One of my dreams is to live in an old house. BUT! most old houses use plaster for their walls. So no old houses for me. One experience I had with plaster allergy happened when we were making masks for a masquerade ball... I forgot about my allergy until it was drying on my face. Even after I remembered it I still wore the mask for the ball (It was custom made and took a lot of time!). My eyes puffed up both times (after it was made and after I wore it).
Leather: The worst thing for me to be allergic to is leather. I LOVE horses. Horses wear... gear... like bits and saddles and reigns... These things are all made out of leather (well, besides the bit... but it's attached to the halter, which is made out of leather). If I wanted to ride again (Okay... when I want to ride again) I have to wear some cloth gloves and remember to not rub my eyes. This doesn't allow an organic experience with the horses, which kind of (more like "seriously") sucks.
So... Yeah, I can't wear too many accessories.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Q&A A Day 1/11/14
Today you lost_______.
Today I lost... my ability to eat. My tooth hurt so bad. Today was Tilly's birthday party and I just wanted to eat everything at her party. However... because I need a root canal, I was unable to do so successfully without having to dope up even more on the Vicodin the dentist prescribed me.
So all the time and effort Sarah put into the celebration Tilly's birthday, was wasted because I couldn't (1) help her (2) truly appreciate it (3) help her escape from the... out-laws. ;p.
Though I'm sure she completely understands, I still feel lacking in the good friend department. :(
Stupid teeth...
I often (pronounced offen, btw) dream that I pull out every tooth from my mouth. It's an amazing dream when it happens since, all of the sudden, the pain stops. I've had so many teeth problems the past x amount of years that the idea of having nothing there to cause the pain is... relieving.
Of course, I know I would hurt a lot if I pulled all my teeth out. Not to mention I'd look absolutely ridiculous. However, the "no pain" dream is a wonderful one to experience.
Today I lost... my ability to eat. My tooth hurt so bad. Today was Tilly's birthday party and I just wanted to eat everything at her party. However... because I need a root canal, I was unable to do so successfully without having to dope up even more on the Vicodin the dentist prescribed me.
So all the time and effort Sarah put into the celebration Tilly's birthday, was wasted because I couldn't (1) help her (2) truly appreciate it (3) help her escape from the... out-laws. ;p.
Though I'm sure she completely understands, I still feel lacking in the good friend department. :(
Stupid teeth...
I often (pronounced offen, btw) dream that I pull out every tooth from my mouth. It's an amazing dream when it happens since, all of the sudden, the pain stops. I've had so many teeth problems the past x amount of years that the idea of having nothing there to cause the pain is... relieving.
Of course, I know I would hurt a lot if I pulled all my teeth out. Not to mention I'd look absolutely ridiculous. However, the "no pain" dream is a wonderful one to experience.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Q&A A Day 1/10/14
Write down something that inspired you today:
Getting donations for the crab feed with Jenny. We decided to go around to local businesses and get some donations for our auction being held at the crab feed for Miss Sac.
The good: Jenny did all the talking.
The bad: We didn't get a lot of donations since most of the managers/owners weren't in.
I'm not sure if anyone reading this has had to ask businesses to blindly trust in your organization's mission statement, but it is not easy. Of course, I believe in the Miss America Organization as a tool, not only for the winners of local, state, and national titles, but for the girls who keep coming back to try to win or better themselves.
I've learned so much from the pageant system that is Miss America that, even in my brief two years of competing, I absolutely owe it my limited time and service to help even more young women realize what their true potential in life is.
So, we did the uncomfortable and asked for donations to further our scholarship dollars for the young women running in our program.
Another inspiring thing was that I was successful in playing with Jenny's son while she asked for donations. He was so adorable and easy to distract, but he liked me so much that he wanted to schedule a play-date with me! I feel like I'm back on the bus in elementary school, asking Baleigh Steinberg to play with me this weekend. Except this time, instead of saying "oh, sure!" she actually wanted to hang out with me and made an effort.
Getting donations for the crab feed with Jenny. We decided to go around to local businesses and get some donations for our auction being held at the crab feed for Miss Sac.
The good: Jenny did all the talking.
The bad: We didn't get a lot of donations since most of the managers/owners weren't in.
I'm not sure if anyone reading this has had to ask businesses to blindly trust in your organization's mission statement, but it is not easy. Of course, I believe in the Miss America Organization as a tool, not only for the winners of local, state, and national titles, but for the girls who keep coming back to try to win or better themselves.
I've learned so much from the pageant system that is Miss America that, even in my brief two years of competing, I absolutely owe it my limited time and service to help even more young women realize what their true potential in life is.
So, we did the uncomfortable and asked for donations to further our scholarship dollars for the young women running in our program.
Another inspiring thing was that I was successful in playing with Jenny's son while she asked for donations. He was so adorable and easy to distract, but he liked me so much that he wanted to schedule a play-date with me! I feel like I'm back on the bus in elementary school, asking Baleigh Steinberg to play with me this weekend. Except this time, instead of saying "oh, sure!" she actually wanted to hang out with me and made an effort.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Q&A A Day
Was today typical? Why or why not?
Not really... I went to Sarah's parent's and rolled lumpia with her mom, cousin, aunt, and sister (and her). We were rolling it for Tilly's first birthday party :D
And then, one of my teeth decided it was done being normal and thought I needed some pain in my life. So it throbbed and shot pain up my skull...
That's right... I need a root canal :D YAY!!!
Not really... I went to Sarah's parent's and rolled lumpia with her mom, cousin, aunt, and sister (and her). We were rolling it for Tilly's first birthday party :D
And then, one of my teeth decided it was done being normal and thought I needed some pain in my life. So it throbbed and shot pain up my skull...
That's right... I need a root canal :D YAY!!!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 8th, 2014
What song is stuck in your head?
FORTUNATELY... none at the moment. And because I believe psychology may take over and PUT one in my head, I will stop thinking about it :D
What song is stuck in your head?
FORTUNATELY... none at the moment. And because I believe psychology may take over and PUT one in my head, I will stop thinking about it :D
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 7th, 2014
You are lucky; how so or not so?
Excuse me fake person, but what does lucky mean??? I have never come across this in my life. Well, there actually was ONE time in my 27 years that I had luck.
I think now is a good time to tell the entire Internet world about my one lucky experience. It was the year of "I can't remember but it was a while ago" when my lovely Aunt and I went to Comic-Con in San Diego. By the way, if you haven't been, you MUST go at least once in your life! Even if you're not the nerdy-geek type. We went because my lovely Aunt and I loved this new book that was being turned into a movie and they were going to have the cast there for a panel discussion and a meet/signing opportunity. It was called, Twilight. Very obscure thing that no one knows about, I know. Well, my lovely Aunt and I get into this line that will lead up to someone holding a bag full of raffle tickets that will either be blank or have a stamp on the back. My lovely Aunt went first, because she was hoping to be the one that got it before me. The back of her ticket was blank. I went, grabbed what I thought was one ticket and it was also blank on the back. However, I realized that I had grabbed two instead of just the one, because one was stuck to the other. And as you might guess, since this is a story about my one lucky experience, this other ticket had a stamp on it.
So yes, my one lucky experience has to do with meeting the cast of Twilight and having an autographed poster dedicated to me (well.. any ol' Amber I suppose) from the cast and author of Twilight. I remember Rachelle Lefevre, Victoria in the movie, said to me something like "Hey! We have the same hair! Us redheads need to stick together!"... Uh, heck yeah Rachelle, I'd love to be your BFF. Well, at that time I would have, however, when you get older you start to think things like, "ooo, would we be compatible? Are you cool or a little cray-cray? Because I don't need any drama in my world. Are you going to make me work harder to be your friend? Or can we just be chill? You come over to my house for pizza and beer and I'll go over to your house for movies and popcorn." However, it was an awesome and very lucky experience.
It wasn't the only time I've ever met celebrities either, it was just the first time and where I picked or was chosen to meet them.
Otherwise, you really don't want me at any sporting event for your team or to give you lotto numbers because I will not help your chances of getting what you want.
How about you?
Monday, January 6, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 6th, 2014
Today was tough because...
of nothing... Besides the fact that I didn't do anything, I suppose.
Seriously, that's all I have. I didn't do anything today and it was awesome. Tomorrow I may feel the repercussions, but today I will bask in the awesomeness that is ... ... doing NOTHING. :D
Today was tough because...
of nothing... Besides the fact that I didn't do anything, I suppose.
Seriously, that's all I have. I didn't do anything today and it was awesome. Tomorrow I may feel the repercussions, but today I will bask in the awesomeness that is ... ... doing NOTHING. :D
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 5th, 2014
What was the last restaurant you went to?
I'm actually pretty proud of myself on how long ago it was since we went out to eat something at a sit down restaurant. I did have Taco Bell just yesterday (the 4th) though... And before that was Subway on the 1st (on the drive home from Washington). However, those don't really count in my mind since one was necessary for substance and the other was probably $5.
For my sister's birthday my dad took her, his girlfriend Ann, and I out to Chinooks in Seattle. It was there I had my first fish taco, and a delicious fish taco at that. Unfortunately I didn't get to eat ALL of it because I stocked up on the biscuits. I have a VERY good reason for doing so though!!! My sister thought the bus boy was very attractive and being the fabulous sister that I am, I tried to get him over to our table as often as I could. Thus, I ate too many biscuits and ruined my dinner. BUT, I won "best sister of the year" award :D
What was the last restaurant you went to???
What was the last restaurant you went to?
I'm actually pretty proud of myself on how long ago it was since we went out to eat something at a sit down restaurant. I did have Taco Bell just yesterday (the 4th) though... And before that was Subway on the 1st (on the drive home from Washington). However, those don't really count in my mind since one was necessary for substance and the other was probably $5.
For my sister's birthday my dad took her, his girlfriend Ann, and I out to Chinooks in Seattle. It was there I had my first fish taco, and a delicious fish taco at that. Unfortunately I didn't get to eat ALL of it because I stocked up on the biscuits. I have a VERY good reason for doing so though!!! My sister thought the bus boy was very attractive and being the fabulous sister that I am, I tried to get him over to our table as often as I could. Thus, I ate too many biscuits and ruined my dinner. BUT, I won "best sister of the year" award :D
What was the last restaurant you went to???
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Q & A A Day
January 4th, 2014
The best part of today?
This is probably about to get real sappy...
I missed seeing this little girl and her mom while I was up in Washington.

Don't misinterpret my words though. I loved hanging out with family and getting to the point where I was almost annoying to them again. I just really missed her (and her mama-Sarah!) like I miss everyone up in Washington while I'm at home in Cali.
We went over to their house and hung out today. Freaking Natalie was already standing so much more steadily than before we left. The very first anniversary of her birth is this Wednesday and I swear she grows up so fast. I usually get to see her AT LEAST once a week. She is such a happy and loving little girl. Let's just say that she is the anti-birth control child and even though it sucks, I love her so much. Even Craig feels it, though he's more macho about it. He says things like "yeah, she's so good that I'm afraid ours are going to be hell".
After Tilly went to sleep Sarah and I giggled like weirdos together until 11. I know our oldness is showing, but it was some much needed stress relief. Besides, we went over at about 5pm... I feel like kids "these days" do things later in the evening. So really we were together longer than those youngens these days are with their friends.
Howz about you??? What was the best part of today for you?
The best part of today?
This is probably about to get real sappy...
I missed seeing this little girl and her mom while I was up in Washington.
Don't misinterpret my words though. I loved hanging out with family and getting to the point where I was almost annoying to them again. I just really missed her (and her mama-Sarah!) like I miss everyone up in Washington while I'm at home in Cali.
We went over to their house and hung out today. Freaking Natalie was already standing so much more steadily than before we left. The very first anniversary of her birth is this Wednesday and I swear she grows up so fast. I usually get to see her AT LEAST once a week. She is such a happy and loving little girl. Let's just say that she is the anti-birth control child and even though it sucks, I love her so much. Even Craig feels it, though he's more macho about it. He says things like "yeah, she's so good that I'm afraid ours are going to be hell".
After Tilly went to sleep Sarah and I giggled like weirdos together until 11. I know our oldness is showing, but it was some much needed stress relief. Besides, we went over at about 5pm... I feel like kids "these days" do things later in the evening. So really we were together longer than those youngens these days are with their friends.
Howz about you??? What was the best part of today for you?
Friday, January 3, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 3rd, 2014
What are you reading right now?
Those that know me are aware of my obsession with books. Those that know me even better know that I enjoy reading almost everything except history and general fiction . And those that know me the best(est) understand that I LOVE slutty Romance or Young Adult books the most(est?). Especially if there are Vampires or Werewolves involved --YES I READ TWILIGHT... AND LOVED IT (then).
My main motivation to read is to escape reality. I hardly ever enjoy reading something that is probable, hence the love of Vampires and Werewolves and the disdain of general fiction and history. Besides escaping my life struggles, the second most important use of reading for me is to learn. So, even though it labels me as an supernerd I love reading my anatomy book... serious "NERD ALERT" going on right there. I strive for knowledge and the **insert angel's singing here** knowing.
The reason why I'm giving everyone the explanation of my reading habits is that I don't want you to be surprised by what I'm reading. Because unless you know me the "mostest", you will think I'm Cray-Cray and probably pretty shallow for what I'm reading.
Moon Craving


Big Sky Summer

Tempting Evil

Harry Potter Y la piedra filosofal

Vampire Academy

Did I forget to mention that I don't like to read one thing at a time? Yeah, it's very difficult for me to do that. Believe it or not, I have reasons for this. Reason 1: I see something in my head that will fill that literary craving I have. Thus, only ONE of those books shown above is something I've never read before. Reason 2: I go by "my heart". In other words, one day I may really want to read about teenage angst and vampires (*cough* Vampire Academy *cough*) and the next I want to read about passion and SEX!!! --sorry, I thought I'd scream that so no one thinks I'm trying to fool myself or anyone else.
Let's put it another way. I'm a picky eater--super picky. I don't like caramelized or crunchy onions (unless they're on hot dogs or they're fried). I eat hot dogs, but not red meat. I am cool with tomato sauces, but not tomatoes. Salad is just leaves, but spinach is DELICIOUS! Do you see where I'm going with this? I am annoyingly picky with food. I wait to cook until I know what my tummy desires... One day I'm craving pasta, fruit and veggies. The next it's taco bell, sprite and Pepto Bismol. This idiotic struggle with food is the same idiotic struggle I have with books. Eventually I go back to the books that I change my mind about and finish them, even though most of the time it's unnecessary since I've already read them.
Alright, enough explaining my behavior!!
What are you reading?!?!
What are you reading right now?
Those that know me are aware of my obsession with books. Those that know me even better know that I enjoy reading almost everything except history and general fiction . And those that know me the best(est) understand that I LOVE slutty Romance or Young Adult books the most(est?). Especially if there are Vampires or Werewolves involved --YES I READ TWILIGHT... AND LOVED IT (then).
My main motivation to read is to escape reality. I hardly ever enjoy reading something that is probable, hence the love of Vampires and Werewolves and the disdain of general fiction and history. Besides escaping my life struggles, the second most important use of reading for me is to learn. So, even though it labels me as an supernerd I love reading my anatomy book... serious "NERD ALERT" going on right there. I strive for knowledge and the **insert angel's singing here** knowing.
The reason why I'm giving everyone the explanation of my reading habits is that I don't want you to be surprised by what I'm reading. Because unless you know me the "mostest", you will think I'm Cray-Cray and probably pretty shallow for what I'm reading.
Moon Craving


Big Sky Summer

Tempting Evil

Harry Potter Y la piedra filosofal

Vampire Academy

Did I forget to mention that I don't like to read one thing at a time? Yeah, it's very difficult for me to do that. Believe it or not, I have reasons for this. Reason 1: I see something in my head that will fill that literary craving I have. Thus, only ONE of those books shown above is something I've never read before. Reason 2: I go by "my heart". In other words, one day I may really want to read about teenage angst and vampires (*cough* Vampire Academy *cough*) and the next I want to read about passion and SEX!!! --sorry, I thought I'd scream that so no one thinks I'm trying to fool myself or anyone else.
Let's put it another way. I'm a picky eater--super picky. I don't like caramelized or crunchy onions (unless they're on hot dogs or they're fried). I eat hot dogs, but not red meat. I am cool with tomato sauces, but not tomatoes. Salad is just leaves, but spinach is DELICIOUS! Do you see where I'm going with this? I am annoyingly picky with food. I wait to cook until I know what my tummy desires... One day I'm craving pasta, fruit and veggies. The next it's taco bell, sprite and Pepto Bismol. This idiotic struggle with food is the same idiotic struggle I have with books. Eventually I go back to the books that I change my mind about and finish them, even though most of the time it's unnecessary since I've already read them.
Alright, enough explaining my behavior!!
What are you reading?!?!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 2nd, 2014
Can People Change?
I sure hope people can change, otherwise, I am still a selfish biotch at heart. Which, I like to think I'm not... anymore. There are several aspects of the human development that contribute to the ability to change. For example, the frontal lobe is one of the last things to be developed in the brain and it is responsible to think of the future and the consequences of actions. So when that part of the brain is developed and the skill is gained, people change.
When I began to realize that there were consequences to my actions, I started feeling the pain that I could inflict on other people. Then of course, there's that age old adage of "do unto others that you would want to be done unto you"... or something like that. I'm pretty sure I learned that at church. Anyway, when I started to feel the pain that I could cause others, I didn't want want to be that person in their lives. I mean, sure, there are some people that I don't mesh with, but I wouldn't want to be "THAT person" they complain about regardless. So I became a more pleasant people to all of the people around me.
The second part that I see change people's nature (though, maybe not their basic nature) is experience. When I was a teenager--right around the time my frontal lobe was developing-- I believed my parents didn't know any more than I did. Then I grew up... and I realized that their experiences when they were growing up were vastly different than mine and that, believe it or not, they had lived longer than me. Even after I learned those lesson I found out that the romanticized notions I created about their past was not how it really was. For example, my mom grew up on a farm. In my mind, I saw a large, spacious house with light and laughter and riding horses. It was one big smile-fest in my mind. My dad, he played with whatever toy he wanted, swam in the lake of leaches (though I learned later that he didn't grow up in that home.. or at least I don't think he did) and DJ'd for his high school like a pimp. When I was "old enough" to be familiar with their pasts as an "adult" I found my stamp I put on their lives was silly at best.
It's a good thing that the book I write in is too small to actually write this, but sometimes a little more explanation on things is desired. The end message is still the same, YES I believe people can change! Hopefully they take the opportunity to change for the better like I have and that they take the credit for their awesomeness.
Can People Change?
I sure hope people can change, otherwise, I am still a selfish biotch at heart. Which, I like to think I'm not... anymore. There are several aspects of the human development that contribute to the ability to change. For example, the frontal lobe is one of the last things to be developed in the brain and it is responsible to think of the future and the consequences of actions. So when that part of the brain is developed and the skill is gained, people change.
When I began to realize that there were consequences to my actions, I started feeling the pain that I could inflict on other people. Then of course, there's that age old adage of "do unto others that you would want to be done unto you"... or something like that. I'm pretty sure I learned that at church. Anyway, when I started to feel the pain that I could cause others, I didn't want want to be that person in their lives. I mean, sure, there are some people that I don't mesh with, but I wouldn't want to be "THAT person" they complain about regardless. So I became a more pleasant people to all of the people around me.
The second part that I see change people's nature (though, maybe not their basic nature) is experience. When I was a teenager--right around the time my frontal lobe was developing-- I believed my parents didn't know any more than I did. Then I grew up... and I realized that their experiences when they were growing up were vastly different than mine and that, believe it or not, they had lived longer than me. Even after I learned those lesson I found out that the romanticized notions I created about their past was not how it really was. For example, my mom grew up on a farm. In my mind, I saw a large, spacious house with light and laughter and riding horses. It was one big smile-fest in my mind. My dad, he played with whatever toy he wanted, swam in the lake of leaches (though I learned later that he didn't grow up in that home.. or at least I don't think he did) and DJ'd for his high school like a pimp. When I was "old enough" to be familiar with their pasts as an "adult" I found my stamp I put on their lives was silly at best.
It's a good thing that the book I write in is too small to actually write this, but sometimes a little more explanation on things is desired. The end message is still the same, YES I believe people can change! Hopefully they take the opportunity to change for the better like I have and that they take the credit for their awesomeness.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Q&A A Day
January 1st, 2014
What is your mission?
I want to be more on top of things. Everything sort of dumped on me at the end of the year and I felt floundered and crazy. So my goal is to be more productive, proactive, and responsible in every aspect of my life. To do so, I will live by my planner and all the things I create to help me stay organized. I also will keep moving, take small breaks, but don't stay idle for too long. These qualities should help me stay on top of the hard year in front of me. And in doing this, I will be more prepared for nursing school. I hope...
I also want to write more. I would like to rewrite my first book for sure, at least twice, finish two-to-all of my other books I started and send the one of them into publishers. These things need to be revisited weekly and a list of the steps and areas I need to work on is a MUST!
I NEED to keep in better contact with family. It's so easy to get stuck in your own universe, and sometimes it's a wonderful thing to be able to do. However, I want people to know that they are cherished by me, that I listen and understand them, and that I want to be a part of their life in any way I can. One of my first craft projects is to create some sort of calendar system that tells me when birthdays are and to get everything ready for each person. And though it sounds so disingenuous I want to create a list of everyone's names and cycle through it to make sure I can be a part of people's lives. The reason I would do it this way is because, though I enjoy spontaneity and freedom, strict structure is paramount for me to be successful in my endeavors.
Remember the good times in the midst of the bad. I tend to allow things the ability to bother me at a deep level. They always seem to be those things I find lacking in myself. Most of the time it's that I try so hard and all I see are my failures. I want to be able to look back on all the positives while dealing with the dark thoughts about myself. For example, I study for hours/days, and only get a B. I'm not sure why, but that's normally where the spiraling begins.
Those are my missions (I like that word better than "goals"... It sounds less cheesy and moved like its GOING to happen), now let me know about yours!!
Q&A A Day
I bought this book to remind me of how much I changed and grew over the years. It's Q&A A Day - 5 Year Journal (the picture is below). I answer a random question every day of the year for 5 years. My goal is to get back into writing more and being more comfortable and creative with it. I also wanted to try and get back to the blogging scene so I will post the question and then my answers for every day. Hopefully, it's enjoyable and actually works!!! I'd LOVE for everyone to post their answers as well!
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