What are you reading right now?
Those that know me are aware of my obsession with books. Those that know me even better know that I enjoy reading almost everything except history and general fiction . And those that know me the best(est) understand that I LOVE slutty Romance or Young Adult books the most(est?). Especially if there are Vampires or Werewolves involved --YES I READ TWILIGHT... AND LOVED IT (then).
My main motivation to read is to escape reality. I hardly ever enjoy reading something that is probable, hence the love of Vampires and Werewolves and the disdain of general fiction and history. Besides escaping my life struggles, the second most important use of reading for me is to learn. So, even though it labels me as an supernerd I love reading my anatomy book... serious "NERD ALERT" going on right there. I strive for knowledge and the **insert angel's singing here** knowing.
The reason why I'm giving everyone the explanation of my reading habits is that I don't want you to be surprised by what I'm reading. Because unless you know me the "mostest", you will think I'm Cray-Cray and probably pretty shallow for what I'm reading.
Moon Craving


Big Sky Summer

Tempting Evil

Harry Potter Y la piedra filosofal

Vampire Academy

Did I forget to mention that I don't like to read one thing at a time? Yeah, it's very difficult for me to do that. Believe it or not, I have reasons for this. Reason 1: I see something in my head that will fill that literary craving I have. Thus, only ONE of those books shown above is something I've never read before. Reason 2: I go by "my heart". In other words, one day I may really want to read about teenage angst and vampires (*cough* Vampire Academy *cough*) and the next I want to read about passion and SEX!!! --sorry, I thought I'd scream that so no one thinks I'm trying to fool myself or anyone else.
Let's put it another way. I'm a picky eater--super picky. I don't like caramelized or crunchy onions (unless they're on hot dogs or they're fried). I eat hot dogs, but not red meat. I am cool with tomato sauces, but not tomatoes. Salad is just leaves, but spinach is DELICIOUS! Do you see where I'm going with this? I am annoyingly picky with food. I wait to cook until I know what my tummy desires... One day I'm craving pasta, fruit and veggies. The next it's taco bell, sprite and Pepto Bismol. This idiotic struggle with food is the same idiotic struggle I have with books. Eventually I go back to the books that I change my mind about and finish them, even though most of the time it's unnecessary since I've already read them.
Alright, enough explaining my behavior!!
What are you reading?!?!
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