Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Q&A A Day

January 1st, 2014

What is your mission?

I want to be more on top of things. Everything sort of dumped on me at the end of the year and I felt floundered and crazy. So my goal is to be more productive, proactive, and responsible in every aspect of my life. To do so, I will live by my planner and all the things I create to help me stay organized. I also will keep moving, take small breaks, but don't stay idle for too long. These qualities should help me stay on top of the hard year in front of me. And in doing this, I will be more prepared for nursing school. I hope...

I also want to write more. I would like to rewrite my first book for sure, at least twice, finish two-to-all of my other books I started and send the one of them into publishers. These things need to be revisited weekly and a list of the steps and areas I need to work on is a MUST!

I NEED to keep in better contact with family. It's so easy to get stuck in your own universe, and sometimes it's a wonderful thing to be able to do. However, I want people to know that they are cherished by me, that I listen and understand them, and that I want to be a part of their life in any way I can. One of my first craft projects is to create some sort of calendar system that tells me when birthdays are and to get everything ready for each person. And though it sounds so disingenuous I want to create a list of everyone's names and cycle through it to make sure I can be a part of people's lives. The reason I would do it this way is because, though I enjoy spontaneity and freedom, strict structure is paramount for me to be successful in my endeavors.

Remember the good times in the midst of the bad. I tend to allow things the ability to bother me at a deep level. They always seem to be those things I find lacking in myself. Most of the time it's that I try so hard and all I see are my failures. I want to be able to look back on all the positives while dealing with the dark thoughts about myself. For example, I study for hours/days, and only get a B. I'm not sure why, but that's normally where the spiraling begins.

Those are my missions (I like that word better than "goals"... It sounds less cheesy and moved like its GOING to happen), now let me know about yours!!

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